Monthly Archives

January 2013

  • Breakfast Desserts Food Snacks

    Fight Back

    Another one bites the dust. I’m referring to mwah. It was only a matter of time, what with the no sleep for 8 nights, and all. This little concoction is giving our white blood…

    January 16, 2013
  • Fun


    Confession: This is not this past Saturday. I figured you’d rather see this happy version of a Saturday 2 weeks ago: pancakes, shopping, and Whole Foods. What actually took place on Saturday: tissues, humidifiers,…

    January 15, 2013
  • Fun

    Blueberry Boy

    Beckam loves blueberries. Would’ve eaten the whole carton if I had let him. It’s crazy how even in the tiniest of things: a baby eating blueberries, that I experience the greatest joy.  …

    January 11, 2013
  • Desserts Drinks Food Holidays Snacks

    Snowman Shakes

    Cold winter days indoors can be long… especially without flurries outdoors  to play in. If wishing for snow wasn’t enough, rummaging through the fridge for almost empty jars, made the perfect receptacles for indoor…

    January 10, 2013
  • Family Fun

    Doughnuts With Dad

    This pretty much sums up my personal definition of happiness. I could tear up at the drop of a sprinkle. Seriously, nothing else matters.   The little things I cherish about these pictures that…

    January 8, 2013