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  • Bakery Desserts Food Holidays

    Chocolate Bunny Cake

    Within minutes of snapping the last picture, there goes Husby chomping off Bunny’s ear. Savage! Apparently all chocolate bunnies (whether solid chocolate or in cake form) have irresistible ears. I would’ve gone for his tail;…

    March 19, 2013
  • Bakery Desserts Food Holidays

    Peppermint Bark Brownies

    Ironically, I’m not a huge fan of minty stuff. But at Christmas, somehow all rules are subject to change. Remember THIS peppermint bark? Or THIS peppermint ice-cream? Tell me to stop with the peppermint,…

    December 6, 2012
  • Bakery Breakfast Food

    Cinnamon Rolls

    You know that one time when you said, “Oh hey Husby. Yes, I’m aware it’s 6 am and the Cinnabon in the mall doesn’t open for another 4 hours. But we (a’hem rather I)…

    October 24, 2012
  • Bakery Desserts Food Holidays

    Cute Little Hoot

    Overcast days are the exception to our daily routine. It’s the perfect excuse to stay in cozy clothes all day, lose track of time reading books in bed, eat grilled cheese and tomato soup,…

    October 16, 2012