Monthly Archives

May 2013

  • Family Fun


    My little rays of sunshine. Nothing makes me happier than being their Mother.  …

    May 13, 2013
  • Fashion Fun Travel


    Maine has always been one of those places I longed to visit; but never thought it’d actually happen. I suppose you can make spontaneous things like this a reality; but it’s a whole lot…

    May 9, 2013
  • Dog

    Puppy Peanut Butter Cups

    Every now and again, LuLu and I like to go to a boutique for dogs – just for “old times” sake. You know… before BOYS took over everything. Her favorite part is getting a…

    May 8, 2013
  • Bakery Food

    Lemon Blueberry Cake

    Did anyone else grow up reading, Blueberries for Sal? Always wondered why they needed so many jars of canned blueberries for Winter. If it were me, I would’ve reserved just enough fresh ones to…

    May 7, 2013
  • Create Family Fun

    A Clean Mess

    One is tidy. One is messy. And now is not the time to disclose which child takes after which parent. Ha! They needed bathing. Badly. As in, it couldn’t wait until after dinner. But…

    May 3, 2013