Monthly Archives

December 2012

  • Create Fashion Winter

    Boot Warmers

    Go ahead. Twist my leg… warmer. Correction. They’re a little invention I like to call, the BOOT warmer (heart giggles)! Wish I was vlogging with you – because right now, I’m two bounces away…

    December 7, 2012
  • Bakery Desserts Food Holidays

    Peppermint Bark Brownies

    Ironically, I’m not a huge fan of minty stuff. But at Christmas, somehow all rules are subject to change. Remember THIS peppermint bark? Or THIS peppermint ice-cream? Tell me to stop with the peppermint,…

    December 6, 2012
  • Family

    Outwear That’s In

    If you happen to live where flurries are currently fluttering, we’re all jealous (speaking for everyone in my house, that is). Regardless of snow, more often than not, playing outdoors requires some form of…

    December 5, 2012
  • Family Food Holidays Holidays

    Gingerbread Cookie Houses

    In the eyes of a munchkin, cookies + candy = is the perfect combination. For a mom, an entire gingerbread house means mess and stress. So, thus began the hunt for a giant gingerbread…

    December 3, 2012