
Ruff Day

February 3, 2012

Dear Mom,

I think it’s safe to say you’re not getting enough sleep. Take a lesson or two from me and try dozing most of the day. It’s quite relaxing and I swear it results in a shinier coat.

You know, lately this whole growing another kid inside your belly bit has got your apron strings all tied up in knots.

Hmmm… how to put this mildly.

You’re going a little cray cray.

Maybe you should try begging Dad for biscuits, or try nipping at his pant legs for a belly rub. At least take some alone time together to go out in the yard and bark at squirrels.

It’d be good for you both.

But since we’re already in this little situation and brother is out of harms way, can we still go for our walk? Just like old times? (And by that I mean, kidless.)

Also, can I have a treat for all this unsolicited advice?

Please and thanks.

Paws & Kisses,

P.S. I accidentally stole Gage’s socks yesterday. And they may or may not be hidden between the couch cushions.

  • Jjanga February 3, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Way too cute! LuLu reminds me of Fredo my pup. He is a German Shepherd/Basset Hound and he always steals my socks by “accident”, haha.

    xoxo, Jjanga

    • missy February 6, 2012 at 2:19 pm

      At first I was like, How does a peanut remind you of a German Shepherd mix… All dogs unite in their mischief! ha! 😉

  • Jenna February 3, 2012 at 2:15 pm

    What kind of stroller is that? My daughter HATES the stroller we have right now, been shopping for a new one.

    • missy February 6, 2012 at 2:20 pm

      It’s a Bugaboo and I LOVE it! It converts from a bassinet buggy to this stage and then has a plate for toddler to stand on when the baby arrives.

  • Michelle February 3, 2012 at 2:49 pm

    Ohh LuLu, you are the cutest and oh so smart! Happy Friday! Xo

    P.S. you in the stroller, might just be the cutest ever 🙂

    • missy February 6, 2012 at 2:20 pm

      She felt like quite the little princess getting to sit where Brother does! ha!

  • Diana February 3, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    Gahh how can you say no to that little face!! Lulu steals my heart every time 🙂

    • missy February 6, 2012 at 2:21 pm

      GAHHH is frequent vocabulary at this house… she definitely is a heart breaker slash snuggle bug! GAH! See? Did it again! xo

  • Anna @ The Guiltless Life February 3, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    Aww that is so cute! Did you train her to sit in the stroller or does she just do that? Adorbs.

    Btw I got your email and will search through my old emails as soon as I’m on my computer! xx

    • missy February 6, 2012 at 2:22 pm

      Just sat her there for the picture. She doesn’t actually ride in the stroller! ha! But I’m sure somewhere out there someone has invented such a thing! Thanks for the e-mail! Yes, that’s the one. 😉

  • Natalie February 3, 2012 at 9:36 pm

    Awww so cute! It’s impossible to say no to a fur baby! They are way to cute and loveable!


    • missy February 6, 2012 at 2:22 pm


  • Kellee February 5, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    This makes me want to get a dog! But shh don’t tell my honey.

    • missy February 6, 2012 at 2:23 pm

      You’ll have to tell honey. Like EVERY day until he gives in. Husby didn’t know he wanted a furbaby until he finally caved. And now she’s definitely his little princess. If you need persuading tactics, hit me up. jk!