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  • Bakery Desserts Entertaining Food House

    Eat Some Garbage

    PDF: Trash Cookies Recipe   My new motto is: excess in all things. Makes for more fun, don’t you think? These garbage cookies are just that — packed full of everything sweet, savory, and lots…

    June 9, 2014
  • Bakery Breakfast Desserts Food

    Cake Is Always a Good Idea

    In my book, cake is basically ALWAYS a good idea. Especially if the so-called cake involves citrus! Ugh. SO good. With grapefruits in full season and spring making her debut — this cake is…

    March 18, 2014
  • Bakery Food

    English Muffin Bread

    English Muffin Bread Recipe   Speaking of Home – nothing is better than visiting my mom and learning (and eating, for that matter) from her many talents. This amazing bread is incredibly light, soft,…

    October 4, 2013
  • Bakery Desserts Food

    Raspberry Pie

    Our favorite foods we enjoy as adults are often tied to some sort of fond memory experienced as a child. One of my favorite desserts goes back to memories of summers spent visiting Grandma…

    July 21, 2013