Browsing Category


  • Family Fun Travel

    Street Tacos

    When in California, you street taco truck-it for Friday night grubs. Palm silhouettes, lots of little giggles, dollar tacos that you’d pay well more for, pineapple agua, warm memories with my favorite people — tucking…

    June 2, 2016
  • Family Fun Sentiments

    Four Years

    Four years ago seems more like two. I can still remember the night before you were born. Squirming and kicking about — you were beyond anxious! So was I! With a prayer in my heart, I tried…

    May 15, 2016
  • Family Fun

    How Does Your Garden Grow?

    This past winter, we started a little indoor hydro herb garden — coolest thing ever, you guys! That taste of success (literally in the form of fresh basil on pizza) has kickstarted their little…

    May 7, 2016
  • Family Fun Sentiments

    Playing with Light

    When you’re accustomed to pulling-out your camera for the fun family outings or anticipated projects, sometimes you miss life’s little snaps in-between. Lately, I’ve been working on keeping my camera closer at hand. I’m trying to improve…

    May 4, 2016
  • Family Fashion Fun


    April snow showers bring frozen May flowers? Or something like that. Ha! Good thing we’re bowling people because that’s what you do on a 30 degree Saturday to commence the almost said Summer season. It’s okay,…

    May 2, 2016