Desserts Food Holidays

Bones and Berries

October 28, 2013

Meringue Skeleton Bones Recipe


An ode to the classic spooky Halloween skeleton, a simple orange meringue cookie is the perfect compliment to warm stewed berries. Bone-rattling fun for counting down the days leading up to Halloween!

On a side note, can I just tell you how much we’re enjoying life right now? Gage is on a huge collecting leaves kick and loves reading Halloween stories. Beck is all about sneaking off to steal candy — surprise, surprise when one opens the toilet lid (it’s where he hides his stash). Plus, the lower temps mean more cuddles on the couch with Husby. Hot apple cider isn’t all that bad, either. October has been good to us.


  • Ashley at Sincerely Miss Ash October 28, 2013 at 12:45 pm

    How creative! I have used a similar recipe before for a different occasion but this is really neat!!

    Sincerely Miss Ash

  • Mel October 28, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    Love those! I made something similar for a Halloween party a couple years ago! Love this post!

    xo Mel

  • Mary October 28, 2013 at 3:17 pm

    One of my favorite all time desserts is Ina’s meringues w/ raspberry sauce so this is right down my alley. I just love the eery “blood” leftover in the bowl too. 🙂